I create solutions for artists who want to feel constantly capable, charismatic and confident in their art.

To have you feeling like “you” again – without all the should’s, shouldn’ts and have to’s.
Being able to actually enjoy your life again without the second guessing, and imposter syndrome, and constant comparisonitis.

I know what it’s like to find yourself constantly questioning your worth, the negative thoughts, not enjoying or feeling present in your art.

It doesn’t have to be that way. There is a space where you can be present, fulfilled, creatively YOU!
It exists. It just takes effort, patience and most importantly commitment to get there.

You can bring ease and joy to creation, manifest your dream life, and unlock your full potential by getting out of your head, living in the moment, and nurturing your connection with yourself and whatever power you subscribe to (the universe, god or etc).

I know that being an artist, you can’t always know what your schedule will look like tomorrow, or next week, or next year. So, I’ve created 60 minute lightning sessions that can be purchased and booked quickly for when shit hits the fan, or you can group them in packages, to carry you through for the next little while.

Change starts here!

Lightning session / 111 $ per session

this is a 60 minute 1:1 call where we work on getting out of your head, manifesting your
dream life, bringing ease to creation and unlocking your potential.

What we do in 1:1 coaching

Cultivating a true and deep relationship with yourself

Removing limiting beliefs

Tackling your inner saboteur

Reframing your thoughts

Dealing with body image and self confidence

Creating non negotiables/boundaries

Personalizing routines to optimize your practice, performance, and your LIFE

Collecting tools to avoid the “spiral” into dark places…and tools for when you’re already spiralling so you don’t have to stay there

After the call, you’re supported for 24 hrs afterwards in Voxer (a voice note and messaging app). 

You can buy lightning sessions as many times as you wish, and book them quickly! When we only have one call together, we can usually only focus on one or two  things. 

This is for you if

Something really big popped up and you want to talk it through with an experienced, uninvolved professional.

You have already worked with myself or another coach/therapist and just want to have a check in or tune up.

You feel stuck somewhere, maybe you’re not even sure where, and aren’t sure how to move forward.

You could just use a little bit of support making a future plan, building a routine or getting through something.

You can’t make a long term commitment, but feel you need to talk to someone who “just gets it”


$444: 5 sessions

This is a group of 5 60 minute 1:1 calls.  This is for the artist who is starting to invest in themselves, who wants to make changes, to be supported by a more consistent coaching relationship but can’t commit to a long term program. You’re an entrepreneur, an artist, you can’t commit to a weekly call, you may have a gig.   Some weeks you just float through, and others you really need support.  You know that your art is better when you take care of yourself and your mental health, you know that you need to nurture all parts of you to truly show up in your artform.  This is your answer. 

$700: 8 sessions

This is a group of 5 60 minute 1:1 calls accompanied by 24 hours of voxer support. This is for the artist who is starting to invest in themselves, who wants to make changes, to be supported by a more consistent coaching relationship but can’t commit to a long term program. You’re an entrepreneur, an artist, you can’t commit to a weekly call, you may have a gig. Some weeks you just float through, and others you really need support. You know that your art is better when you take care of yourself and your mental health, you know that you need to nurture all parts of you to truly show up in your artform. This is your answer.  

$888: 10 sessions

This is a group of 10 60 minute 1:1 calls accompanied by two days of voxer support. This is for the artist who knows how crucial it is to invest in themselves, who is committed to growth.
You know that your art is better when you take care of yourself and your mental health, you know that you need to nurture all parts of you to truly show up in your artform. You know that every investment in yourself is a win. You believe wholeheartedly in yourself and your goals.

BONUS: Free reading when you purchase at this level

Voxer Support:

Sometimes, after a coaching session you feel like you’ve broken through a glass ceiling and your whole world is different. Sometimes, we just need someone to talk it out with, but we don’t have 60 minutes to set aside and sit down. Either way, this is a great option for you to get the support you need. 

Whether you would like to add it to your coaching sessions or just purchase them alone, you get access to me 24/7 on a voice note/messaging service.  Someone to share your thoughts with as they’re happening, to keep you from spiraling, or to keep you accountable to your goals. 


Travel Course – $222

Have you always wanted to travel/work/live abroad but had NO clue where to start?  Now with COVID it just feels impossible?

Confused about what your options are?  How to get there?  What you have to do before, during and after you go? What it’s like to really live as an expat?

You miss the time when you felt fiercely independent and lived without fear and you feel like taking this trip is the first step to finding her again.

You’re feeling stuck in your mundane schedule, feeling lost, or just craving a little adventure and you know you need to take a big LEAP to really feel like the BEST version of yourself!

In SO YOU WANT TO GO ABROAD : we cover EVERYTHING you need to know before, during & after your trip in 10 CHAPTERS! Everything from Packing, to WHERE, WHY & HOW, to managing your mental and physical health & more…

I am giving you ALL the secrets -all the things that would have saved me from sleepless nights, losing money, dangerous situations…

I am so excited for you to join this incredible journey of transformation – to watch you step into the person you always dreamed of being!